Tips & Advice for Making Your House Safe for a Cat
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Find a cat food that fits your pet’s needs
While your home may be the most comfortable place your cat will ever know, it can also be the most dangerous. Take time to investigate your home from your cat's perspective. A quick walk from room to room can reveal potential dangers that are easily resolved.
Liquid risks. Cats are smart and can learn to open cabinets, so store household chemicals and poisons, like anti-freeze, in a cabinet that has a lock or child-proof latch.
Safe and happy indoors. Keep your cat indoors and safe from extreme weather conditions year-round. Outdoor living can be dangerous - everything from predators to traffic. Provide pet-safe toys to keep your cat occupied when you don't have time to provide attention.
Twisting or dangling dangers. All strings, threads and other such materials should be put away after use so that your cat cannot eat them. Also be aware of risks posed by dangling blind or curtain cords, electrical cords, wires, dental floss and rubber bands.
When green means stop. Even though your cat gets plenty of precisely balanced cat food, she may still be inclined to taste something else within your home. Toxic plants and other natural dangers include philodendron, mistletoe, poinsettia, lilies, azaleas, daffodils, tomatoes and hydrangeas. Try planting wheat grass in a stable pot indoors to entice your cat and safeguard ornamental plants.
Hidden traps. Keep kitchen countertops clean and clear of sharp utensils your cat could stumble upon. Also keep toilet lids down, washer and dryer doors closed and trashcans covered.
Other hazardous objects. Here's a list of objects around the house that could signal danger to your cat:
Sewing supplies
Paper clips
Plastic bags
Twist ties
Board game pieces
Vitamins and pills
Cotton balls
Plastic wrap
Aluminum foil
Christmas tree tinsel
SOURCE: Hill's Pet Nutrition "The Guide for Lifelong Health" ©2008