Separation Anxiety and Your Dog

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Separation Anxiety and Your Dog

Your love is a primary source of happiness for your dog. The special relationship you share is the glue that holds your dog's life together. That's why separation anxiety can become a serious issue for many pet owners. Sometimes pets just can't stand to be away from their owners and it shows in clear unhappiness and even destructive behavior. Breaks in routine, like a return to work after a long vacation, can raise the risk of separation anxiety. Helping your dog cope can make a substantial difference in quality of life.Brown dog lying on blue couch looks dejected after ripping a pillow apart.

  • Give your dog plenty of attention to help compensate for your absence when schedules become demanding and your available time shrinks

  • Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to help limit frustration and maintain emotional balance. Exercise alone can really help separation anxiety..

  • Don't let playtime slip off your agenda. Make an extra effort to keep your commitment to your dog's needs, despite your schedule. If you can't do it alone, ask a friend or family member to help.


Man hugs a yellow lab with a blue ball in his mouth.

Don't underestimate the power of even a little attention and exercise. Stimulation lets your dog burn excess energy and helps to keep nerves and emotions calm. If you can’t seem to get a handle on a severe case of separation anxiety, see your veterinarian for help.

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