Curious about how to properly care for you dog? Explore here. 

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Caring for Your Dog

Sometimes owning a dog gets overwhelming. You want to be a pet parent who has the answers to everything, but questions are bound to come up. You might wonder if it’s ok to take him on a plane, how often he should be bathed or if your house is safe enough for him. Luckily, we have answers for you right here.


You’re probably familiar with travelling with a dog in a car – their big smiles and tongues flapping in the wind – but what about flying? If you have a very small dog, there’s a good chance the airline will allow him in the cabin as long as the crate is approved. Most large dogs, however, will need to travel in a crate in the cargo hold. There are many things to consider when flying, so always be sure to check with the specific airline you're flying with, as each one has its own criteria. Ultimately, the more you travel with your dog, the easier it gets. So stick to it if your goal is to explore with your pup beyond the backyard.


Keeping your dog happy and healthy means maintaining his coat and skin – and that means a good grooming regimen. You can take him regularly to a professional grooming business, but if you choose to groom him on your own, be sure to use a shampoo designed for dogs. And while brushing a dog’s coat is an important part of grooming, brushing a dog’s teeth is equally as important. There are several articles with step-by-step directions on how to properly groom your dog from ear to paw. You’ll learn about which soap and oils are best. And which brushes, towels, tubs and sprayers are most handy. Explore our Routine Care articles and get scrubbing.