Things You Can Do to Help Your Dog's Sensitive Stomach

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Find food that fits your pet’s needs

Find a dog food that fits your pet’s needs

Find a cat food that fits your pet’s needs

Just like people, dogs can experience occasional stomach upset. If your dog exhibits any of the following, especially after eating, he may have a sensitive stomach.

In a healthy dog, occasional stomach upset isn't cause for worry. Persistent or severe stomach upset can indicate a more serious condition. Please see your vet with questions about your own dog's health.

What can you?

If you think your dog has a sensitive stomach, there are steps you can take to help keep your dog's insides running smoothly - and quietly.

  • Be watchful. Try to make sure your dog doesn't eat garbage, spoiled food or anything questionable.
  • Avoid giving your dog table scraps or human food.
  • Slow down mealtimes. Dogs that eat fast also ingest a lot of air. Divide big meals into smaller portions, fed throughout the day.
  • Be consistent. Any change in nutrition can irritate a dog's system. If you switch your dog's food, do so slowly: gradually mix greater and greater proportions of the new food with the old.
  • Feed your dog a nutritious, high quality food. Dogs cannot readily digest food made with low quality ingredients.

A healthy, smart choice is Science Diet® Sensitive Stomach & Skin Adult dog food, specially formulated
for adult dogs with sensitive stomachs.

Science Diet® Sensitive Stomach & Skin Adult

Sensitive Stomach & Skin Adult:

  • Mild formula is easy for sensitive stomachs to digest
  • High quality proteins and other essential amino acids for digestive health
  • Soluble and insoluble fiber to nourish the digestive tract and maintain
    overall intestinal health
  • Tastes great! Click here to learn more.

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