A powerful and athletic breed, the Cane Corso loves to work alongside their owners and have a task to do.
The Cane Corso is an intelligent, affectionate, and majestic dog from the powerful Mollosus family. It’s extremely large, muscular and excels at guarding its territory and tribe.
Cane Corsi (the plural of Corso in Italian) were bred at the height of the Roman Empire as fearless dogs that were used in battle.
Weight Range:
Male: 44 - 49 kg
Female: 38 - 45 kg
Height at Withers:
Male: 63cm - 69cm
Female: 60 - 66cm
This is an intelligent, protective and dignified breed with an independent nature. It is large, solid and majestic in appearance. It’s also sensitive but serious and is a natural pack leader – which requires strong management from its masters and early consistent training. This dog breed is recommended for patient, experienced dog owners.
Exercise Requirements: Medium to vigorous exercise daily. 30+ minutes.
Energy Level: High
Longevity Range: 9-12yrs
Tendency to Drool: Moderate
Tendency to Snore: Moderate
Tendency to Bark: Moderate
Tendency to Dig: Low (mostly when bored)
Social/Attention Needs: Moderate
Mental Stimulation Needs: Moderate
Health risks: Epilepsy and Gastric bloat
Bred for:
Military assignment, police work and guarding
Length: Short
Characteristics: Smooth double coat. Sheds throughout year, more in spring.
Colours: Black, greys, fawn, stag red, brindle, mixed colour
Overall Grooming Needs: Brush weekly – daily during shedding
Club recognition:
AKC Classification: Working dog
UKC Classification: Guardian
Prevalence: Uncommon
The Cane Corso dog breed is best in large outdoor areas with high fences
The protective abilities of the Cane Corso start with its sheer intimidation: This is a large, muscular dog with a broad solid head. It is extremely powerful, territorial, protective, energetic and strong willed – but very loyal and affectionate to owners.
These dogs are very intelligent, trainable and noble. They’re also assertive and confident. Those who own Corsi (plural for Corso) will tell you that they are intensely loyal and fearless protectors of their tribe and territory. However, while some Corsi remain constantly guarded, others will lick the face off people they trust.
The Cane Corso will also adopt a pack leadership role with you and your family if allowed. This makes responsible training, firmness and socialisation with other people and dogs from an early age vital.
Living With:
Corsi are definitely not lap dogs. But they do like close connections with their owners. They’re also fairly good with children and other pets if trained well and socialised at a very early age. Corsi need lots of vigorous exercise and mental stimulus – otherwise they can become destructive – also, a high secure fence is paramount.
Recommended Diet:
Puppy: Hill’s Science Diet - Puppy Large Breed Dry Dog Food
Adult: Hill’s Science Diet - Adult Large Breed Dry Dog Food; Hill’s Science Diet - Adult Perfect Weight Large Breed Dry Dog Food
Mature: Hill’s Science Diet Adult 6+ – Senior Large Breed Dry Dog Food
The Cane Corso belongs to the Mollosus family of working dogs that were popular in Greece. During the reign of the Roman Empire, legions brought Mollosers back from the Greek Islands to develop into a native Italian breed. These were generally crosses with the enormous Neapolitan Mastiff.
At first Corsi became dogs of war. They were known as ‘pireferi’ – fearless dogs that charged enemy lines with buckets of flaming oil strapped to their backs. But by the fifth century, Corsi were being used for boar hunting, guarding farms and droving livestock.
After decades of invasion, socio-economic upheaval and farming advancements, the Cane Corso was facing extinction. The breed did replenish however, thanks to the efforts of Italian devotees in the 1970s. The Society Amorati Cane Corso was formed in 1983 and Corsi began to be exhibited across Europe. In Australia, the breed became formally recognised by the Australian National Kennel Council in 2003 and used for police work, guarding and loyal pets.
Health Concerns:
In terms of typical ailments, Epilepsy and Gastric Bloat (which can be fatal) are the major concerns. Others include Hip Dysplasia, Demodex Mange, and eyelid abnormalities.